A common saying in the jade business is "One does not look for jade, the jade looks for you.". Unlike diamonds, every piece of jade is unique in its color, distribution of color, and translucency. It is extremely difficult, albeit impossible, to custom-order jade base on color and shapes.
Manufacturing jade is a multi-step process which requires a lot of expertise and experience. The most beautiful multicolored jade is jadeite from Burma (Myanmar). Here, we reveal the basics of jadeite to allow you to better appreciate this timeless gemstone. Please click into the tabs above for further information.
Every year, around the months of March, June, and November, the Myanmar government opens its doors to the world for auctioning its rough jade stones. Thousands of jade merchants flock to Myanmar's gemstone emporium to buy rough Burmese jade and export the materials for manufacturing. The most skillful Burmese jade cutters and carvers are in Hong Kong and Guangdong, China. Often jade roughs are shipped to these places for production.
After the jadeite stones are manufactured into finished goods, the majority of goods are sold on jade streets in Hong Kong and China before distributing to the rest of the world. Hong Kong's jade street is on Canton Road, Kowloon. China's largest jade streets are in Pingzhou and Si Hui, both in Guangdong province. Although much smaller by comparison to the jade streets in Guangdong, the most beautiful and high priced Burmese jadeite are found only on Canton Road.
For jadeite-lovers, buying directly from the wholesalers on jade streets would be a much smarter alternative to buying jade at retail jewellery stores. One may consider visiting jade streets when looking for a unique piece of jade.